Nick O'Shea

Former Lib Dem councillor for Capel and Newdigate Learn more

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Nick O’Shea launches Surrey PCC Manifesto “A Fresh Start”

by Nick O'Shea on 21 October, 2012

Liberal Democrat candidate for Surrey Police & Crime Commission (PCC), Nick O’Shea launches his Manifesto “A Fresh Start” at the Lib Dem’s regional conference in Guildford on Saturday 20th October.

He will be calling for an improvement in Surrey Police’s record on catching criminals, which is well below the national average1.

“Surrey Police must focus on developing Neighbourhood Policing, supporting Victims and Witness and tackling rates of re-offending,” he will say.

“But we face many challenges, such as protecting front-line services if we have cuts in funding from Whitehall. As an experienced accountant and finance director, I have the skills needed to manage Surrey Police’s finances and the ability to make every pound really count.

“I support the police in working with colleagues across Europe by lobbying for the European Arrest Warrant and other collaborative arrangements to be kept. But the Tories have said they want to opt out of these – putting hostility to anything European ahead of national security and working with other police forces. We must fight international criminal gangs engaged in pushing drugs, people trafficking, money laundering and terrorism.

“The out-going Police Authority is to be congratulated for recruiting 200 more officers last year – but not for wasting £160,000 in their abortive private sector venture with the West Midlands. What were they thinking of? What was their chairman thinking of – is he really going to be any more responsible with the Police finances in future than he was with this fiasco?

“I have the experience needed to do this tough and demanding job. I have policies which the evidence shows work. What I need is your support to be elected Surrey’s first Police & Crime Commissioner. Together; we can tackle crime; we can reduce re-offending; and we can give proper help to victims and witnesses.”

The full details of the manifesto are available on the Manifesto page.

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