Former Lib Dem councillor for Capel and Newdigate Learn more
by Nick O'Shea on 5 October, 2012
Nick O’Shea has called for other candidates in the contest for Surrey Police & Crime Commissioner (PCC) to support him in demanding that the government backs continued use of European Arrest Warrants (EAW).
“The arrest in France of Jeremy Forrest, who is suspected of abducting the Eastbourne teenager Megan Stammers, and Megan’s quick return to the UK were only possible because of Sussex Police’s close cooperation with other EU law enforcement agencies and use of the European Arrest Warrant.
“But for purely ideological reasons totally unrelated to law enforcement, many Tories and UKIP want to end the UK’s participation in the EU’s crime and policing arrangements. It is utterly extraordinary that these people put anti-European ideology above tackling crime.
“I am committed to supporting our police and other law enforcement agencies in tackling cross-border crime. But it is far from clear that any of my opponents are. The Tory party is split on this and UKIP is totally hostile to anything with an EU label however critical to the interests of the UK’s residents. And you can never be sure where any so called ‘independent’ candidates stand on this or any other issue?
Commander Allan Gibson, the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO’s) spokesman on extradition has described the EAW process as: “much quicker, simpler and cheaper, and the exercise of justice more efficient and effective with forces in several countries co-operating.”
“I support Cmdr Gibson’s and ACPO’s views on this as they are fundamental to providing the quality and efficient police service I am campaigning for in Surrey. I am therefore calling on other candidates to support me on this, and ensure that the police are given our full support in tackling cross border crimes such as this serious abduction, people trafficking, terrorism and drug suppliers.”
You can support the campaign to keep the EAW and help our police take the fight against crime right across Europe by emailing Nick at and signing the e-petition at
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